Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just a day in the life of Christian

Learning my letter and sounds
wearing my Mickey Hat
Learning my Numbers Counting with Shawn the Train
Out at the park with my friend Rivers
Taking a dip in pool fully clothed shoes and all
Dad let him ride car in house during Hurrican Issac

Happy to have Peyton over to Play
They were way to dirty to take nap after playtime outside, so inside for a bath
look how cute Christian's bum cheeks are! :)
Mary Todd invited Christian to come to Kids day at her Child Development class.

He starting to like putting his hands in his pockets. 

They put on a puppet show and Read Dr. Seuss. Christian's first time seeing
puppets, and he loved them. He tried to give them his cup at one point.
This is the shirt they made at Kids Day too cute!
Going to the park to play with Rivers again

Blurry, but He's so cute wearing his hat...

Turns out it was not at all chilly at park...

Riding the slide...last time neither of them would climb up...

He wouldnt let go of the cup. :)

Walking the bridge

Hanging out with my friends Rivers and Cloe-we just met her today

In a time out for pushing Rivers.  :(

At Jackson's Pirate Party

This is where Christian ran and hid, when I told him it was nap time...
hahaha, he doesnt realize I can see him through the slats I guess. LOL

all pooped out from a fun day playing...funny how he sleeps sideways in his crib
when he wouldnt have to mush his legs up like a frog, if he slept lengthwise. too cute!

not sure where we were going here...but he is a happy boy, and he looks so cute in
this shirt that Shanna's nana bought for him.